Oh the farmer in the…cabinet…

Our stuff migrates around our house these days.

This is the product of having a toddler.

{and my preggo brain…but we won’t go there…we’ll blame it all on the almost-one-year-old}

I can’t tell you the random things I find in the most random places…

Just look-ee who I found in our cabinet tonight

Sing it with me now…

“Oh the farmer in the cabinet…the farmer in the cabinet…hi ho the dairy-o…there’s a farmer in my cabinet!”

Monday Monkey

Hope you all had a good Monday!

Have I mentioned my son is a little crazy? One of his favorite things to do is jump off the couch onto pillows. I posted a video of it a while back. Lately he has also been climbing up onto our ottomans in front of the couch…the other day I walked in the room to find him standing on top of them.

I pray often, “Lord please protect this child from serious head trauma”.


He was at it again today…here are some pics of the fun. I couldn’t get one of him standing…he would jump off or sit back down right as I was about to take the picture

Kiddo loves to carry things around…the bigger and heavier the better…he has little baby muscles {grin} Tonight it was our couch pillows, which are like twice his size.

Pillows are so fun.

I am so thankful for this baby boy.

What happens when…

What do you get when you cross a bottle of nail polish similar to this…

With a toilet whose seat Momma forgot to close when she peed for the 9 billionth time today…

With a blue eyed baby who runs everywhere at 11 months?

Ha. Oh yes he did drop it in the potty.

Not THAT particular bottle of nail polish he is holding in the picture mind you! Ew. The potty bottle went straight into the trash.

Today I am thankful that I had just cleaned my potties & that I didn’t have to call the plumber to retrieve said nail polish.


You never know what will happen next.

*Note:: this is a picture of my bathroom in real life. We are out of toilet paper in there and everything. Don’t judge me.