The Kidnapping.

photo credit

Tonight I am kidnapping my husband and we are leaving our baby in super capable, loving hands and WE are spending the night AWAY!

Woo hoo!!

It’ll be our first get away since Hudson has been born.  I’m so excited about it!  We aren’t going far … but just getting away, out of the normal everyday environment is so good for the marriage.

This was husband’s Valentine’s Day present.  So he has know about it for about a week, I am not surprising & kidnapping him … not this time anyways.

So 🙂

Don’t text or call me.  I’ll be off the grid.



When God gives His presence to His people, His presence causes them to appear to themselves more what they are, than at any other times, by all other light, they can see.

– John Bunyan

Whew! Preach it JB.

Boogers and a Book Wreath


Yesterday my little boy woke up with a runny nose.  NOT lovely!  I am wondering if it is connected to teething.  Mamas – did your babies have runny noses when they were teething??  Still no signs teeth, but drool is abundant.  We went to the pedi today…he thinks it is just a cold.  Hopefully it won’t turn into something nasty like RSV …

Speaking of the pedi, Hudson weighed 16lbs (25%) and was 26.5 inches (70%) today.  Busy busy skinny boy, he plays so hard he burns off his calories as soon as he eats it seems!!

My days have mostly consisted of cuddling my sweet boy.  He is the sweetest little sick guy – as long as he is being held – he is extra snuggly when he is sick..  So smiley.  So full of giggles.  So full of snot.  Not a fan of being set down when he is sick.  Nope.  Set him down and you’d think the world was ending.

When I wasn’t holding my sweet baby (i.e –  while my snotty snuggler was taking his nap) I made this!!

* imagine a really great refinished entry table & lamp in this space instead of a lonely wall and outlet …

Isn’t it so pretty??

It has been on my project list for a while.  I probably should have cleaned my house today while the snuggler was sleeping instead of hot-gluing a million book pages together … but then again … the dirt can always wait until tomorrow!

This was super easy , inexpensive & I think – gorgeous!  A little time consuming, but overall it goes pretty quickly.  I didn’t even take pictures along the way because this tutorial is way better than mine ever would be.  There is even a neat little video with examples of rolling the pages – so helpful!

I am still peeling hot glue off my fingers.  That is the only downside … burned fingers.



The buggies


Back in the day, a few months ago, when Hudson would wake up in the morning he would go from sleeping to crying in about 2 seconds – because as soon as he woke up he wanted to eat.

However, lately when he wakes up he has been talking and playing in his crib.  Sometimes for 30 minutes!  It is so fun it listen over the monitor.  Or sometimes to peek over his bumper pad and watch him. Or sometimes to sleep in until he is ready to eat 😉

It started with just talking in his crib when he woke up.  Then he would play with his paci – he can find it and put it in his mouth and take it out and talk to it 🙂 best game ever.  Then I stuck a couple toys in his bed.  His Sophie the Giraffe

(p.s – this thing is ALL the rage for teething, and my mom got one for Hudson, and he really has loved it – so there is hype for a reason & i definitely recommend it!)

Recently we got this buggie mirror for the side of his crib.

The bugs crinkle and jingle when he grabs or kicks them.  I got this one because it was the most inexpensive option (like $15 instead of $40.  seriously? $40 for a crib toy?!) and I wasn’t totally sure he would be into it – and I liked the bright colors.  Oh. My. Goodness. He has loved these buggies!  He plays with them every morning and after his naps 🙂

Hallelujah for crib play time!

6 months

Sweet Hudson boy,

You are 6 months old today!! You are changing so quickly.  Everyday it seems you can do something new.  You are learning to sit up by yourself, which really makes you look like a big boy!  Yesterday you pushed up onto all fours!  You will be crawling before we know it – I don’t think I am ready, but then I don’t get a choice in the matter.

You love to eat big boy food.  I can hardly eat in front of you anymore because you think you ought to have a bite 🙂

You fill my days with joy.  I am so blessed to be your Momma.

I love you.

At 6 months you:

* Can sit for at least a minute – as long as there is something interesting in front of you * Nurse 4xday and eat “food” 2xday * You love applesauce and bananas best so far * Sleep from 7pm to 7am * Still take 3 naps – two long ones and one short one in the late afternoon * No teeth yet but drooling/chewing on everything * Very expressive & very vocal 🙂 Daddy says you have Momma’s word quota * Love to read books * Love bath time, I think you’d stay in the tub all day if we would let you * You definitely have a sense of humor and we love to hear you laugh * You are beginning to whine when you don’t get you way – which reminds us that you are indeed a sinner in need of a Savior and we beg the Lord again for your salvation at an early age *  You get so excited when Daddy comes home from work or just back into the room *  You love listening/watching Dad play the guitar – which he does for you daily – he always sings “your song” – In Christ Alone 🙂  *


*photo credit

Here is a little eye candy for you…

I am so thankful for my two boys.  My big valentine and my little valentine.  They are the biggest & best blessings in the world!

I love you both way more than you know.