My boys

Hudson held Owen for the first time today! No, we didn’t do that right after we got home from the hospital. I decided we’d wait a little while and let him get used to Owen & being gentle. Hud has adjusted so well thus far. It is such a blessing to see him turn into a big brother overnight. Even though he is so little, he loves & cares for his brother already. He desires to help out. He checks on him when he cries.

This first week has been such an answer to many prayers from this Mama’s heart.

I know we will have hard days, but these first few have been so so so sweet. I trust that the Lord will continue to grow my boy’s love for each other.

I really think my heart might just explode with love for them!!

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See how excited he was!

I think Owen’s face is too funny in this one 🙂

Be still my heart!

Looking at his little “bear” feet


Could they be ANY sweeter?

Thank you Jesus!